Mommy Makeover


Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a cosmetic procedure most commonly relevant after pregnancy that revitalizes areas of the body that change due to weight gain and skin stretching. Mom’s that have not been able to attain the pre-pregnancy look they desire, even after extensive diet and exercise, will benefit greatly from this procedure. A mommy makeover typically includes a breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck and liposuction cosmetic surgery. Dr Samer Bassilios Habre is a well-acclaimed body contouring specialist that is pleased to have many woman experience life-transforming results, regaining their self-image and attractive figure with this uniquely designed mommy makeover surgery.


A mommy makeover incorporates multiple procedures, so the surgical technique used is different for each surgical case. The technique also varies depending on the medical condition and aesthetics of the patient’s body. For many, a combination of techniques will create beautifully shaped breasts, reduce the appearance of stretch marks, reshape a more natural and appealing body contour, and eliminate stubborn areas of fat.


This surgery is performed under general anesthesia and can range in duration depending on how many procedures are combined. Most patients go back to their normal routine in about 3-4 weeks. Exercise is discouraged for at least 6-8 weeks post-surgery.


A mommy makeover gives a woman the chance to regain her youthful curves and slim figure. It has quickly become one of the most popular procedures performed. We love it when we can bring positive changes to a woman’s life, and this surgery almost always does just that. If you are ready to get your pre-pregnancy body back, we encourage you to call us and schedule your consultation.

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